Abstract. In this paper, the reader is introduced the concept of the nature of «mental disorder», based on the methodology of dialog-phenomenological psychotherapy. The author pays much attention to the discussion of the field of mechanisms underlying the formation of «madness».Pretty analyzed in detail the status of the field of mental pathology. In terms of deployed in the article, any mental disorder exists on the Rights of the concept.
Keywords: dialog-phenomenological psychotherapy, experience, vision, mental disorder, the phenomenological field, the phenomena of innovation.
Pogodin Igor– PhD, philosophy doctor (psychological sciences), the associate professor, director of Institute for Gestalt (Belarus), the conducting trainer and a member of Professional Council of Moscow Gestalt Institute. The Gestalt – therapist (certificates: MGI, the European Certificate of Gestalt – therapist), supervisor (certificates: MGI, Ecole Parisienne de Gestalt (EPG)) and teacher of Gestalt – therapy, the expert in the field of crisis psychotherapy. Main Editor of «Vestnik of Gestalt-therapy» (Russia) and «Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy» (Canada). Member of the Editor board «Topical innovation issues: research & implementation». The Author the dialogue-phenomenological psychotherapy. A full member of the European Association of Gestalt-therapy (EAGT), the International Federation of the organizations teaching the Gestalt, the Belarus Association for Psychotherapy. The author of more then 350 scientific publications.