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Abstract. The purpose of the article was a statement and designation of the main angles considering the problem of the psychological aspects of the linguistic security of the person of university teachers. Using the methods of theoretical analysis and modeling the article reveals the psychological and psycholinguistic perspectives of the problem of violation of the linguistic security of the person. The urgency of this problem is linked to two main factors. On the one hand, it is based on the role that university professors carry out the preparation of high-quality labor resources of society. On the other hand, the relevance of the treatment to the designated problem is related to the increasing of volumes and the aggressive onslaught of linguistic threats. From this perspective, high school teacher is experiencing the dual pressures – as a social entity and as a subject of professional activity. In the first case, the subjects of the violation of linguistic security are called incompetent representatives of the media. In the second case, a breach of the linguistic security of the high school teacher promotes the interaction with low levels of linguistic identity students. The linguistic identity compromises the contribute to the distortion of the semantic, grammatical and orthoepic character as well as non-motivated lexical replacement contained in the structure of aggressive information flow. The prospects for self-sufficiency and security of the linguistic identity of the university teacher are marked.

Keywords: psychological security of the person, linguistic safety, security threats, breach security factors, psycholinguistics, high school teacher, modeling, language personality, self-security, information development.

Tylets Valery – Doctor of psychological Sciences, professor of pedagogy and psychology department of the branch of Stavropol state pedagogical institute in Essentuki

e-mail: tyletsvalery@yandex.ru

Krasnyanskaya Tatiana – Doctor of psychological Sciences, professor of pedagogy and psychology department of the branch of Stavropol state pedagogical institute in Essentuki

e-mail: ktm8@yandex.ru