Abstract. In this article the possibility of existence of psychotherapeutic function of social networks is considered. Characteristics of social networks are analysed. The concept of dependence on this form the Internet of activity is opened. The reasons of promoting of such phenomenon as social networks are described, also what category of people and how the psychotherapeutic help in social networks can be refused. The author of article comes to a conclusion that in the modern world it is impossible to deny such phenomenon as social networks and considers the possibilities of both positive, and their negative influence on the modern personality.
Keywords: social network, addictions, psychological dependence, exchange of information, psychotherapeutic function, interpersonal interaction, communication, infantility.
Golovina Ksenia – 5th year student of the Field of study 37.03.01 – Psychology, profile «Practical psychology» of the Moscow regional socio-economic Institute of Vidnoye