Abstract. The article is devoted to the discussion of one of the major problems of dialogue-phenomenological psychotherapy. It will be a question of ability restoration to psychological presence. Or, easier speaking, abilities to Be. The author allocates two stages of this process. Firstly, it is some rehabilitation of requirement to be in other’s life. Secondly, the actual process of restoration of present experience. The separate attention is given to the interrelation of presence and experience in the article. The psychological risk with some inevitable accompany of present process is considered.
Keywords: dialogue-phenomenological psychotherapy, presence, experience, risk and effort To Be, requirement to be, symptom, self-paradigm.
Pogodin Igor – PhD – philosophy doctor (psychological sciences), the associate professor, director of Institute for Gestalt (Belarus), the conducting trainer and a member of Professional Council of Moscow Gestalt Institute. The Gestalt-therapist (certificates: MGI, the European Certificate of Gestalt-therapist), supervisor (certificates: MGI, Ecole Parisienne de Gestalt (EPG)) and teacher of Gestalt-therapy, the expert in the field of crisis psychotherapy. Main Editor of «Vestnik of Gestalt-therapy». A full member of the European Association of Gestalt-therapy (EAGT), the International Federation of the organizations teaching the Gestalt, the Belarus Association for Psychotherapy. The scientific adviser of the department of crisis psychology of social – psychological center of the Belarus State Pedagogical University (BSPU).