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about the publishing house

electronic scientific periodicals

"Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis"

The Institute of Friendship of Peoples of the Caucasus published scientific-theoretical journal "Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis" - Electronic periodical (EPI) in the direction of psychological science.

Magazine "Applied psychology and psychoanalysis" has a rich scientific traditions and communication. It was founded in 1996 by the International Pedagogical Academy (Moscow).

The founder of the electronic version of the magazine is "Institute of Friendship of Peoples of the Caucasus"

Scientific publication is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communications (Certificate number E FS77-38645 of 15 January 2010).

Description Themes:

19.00.01 - General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology

19.00.05 - Social Psychology

19.00.07 - Pedagogical Psychology

19.00.13 - Development Psychology


• Problems of general and social psychology

• Psychology of Personality

• Psychology in Education

• Psychological counseling

Chief Editor

Ledovich Tatiana, Doctor of Economics, Professor

The mailing address of the chief editor: 355008, Stavropol, avenue Marx, 7

Phone: (8652) 28-25-00

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Chief Editor,

Chairman of the Scientific Editorial Board

Solovyova Olga, Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Deputy Chief Editor,

Chairman of the Scientific Editorial Board

Olga Solovyova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Editorial team:


p / p

Surname and initials

Membership in the National Academy of Sciences, academic degree, academic title

Place of work, position

Justification of the contribution to the development of areas of expertise


Abakumova Irina

Corresponding Member RAO

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Head of the department of general psychology and developmental psychology "Southern Federal University"

A recognized expert in the field of general and educational psychology, developmental psychology. It made a great contribution to the psychology of the learning process of meaning.


Bоyazitova Irina

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Director of the Institute

Medical University of human nature "Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University"

He made a great contribution to the psychology of the integrated personality.


Golubova Vera

PhD, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of General and Applied Psychology "Institute of Friendship of Peoples of the Caucasus"

Member of the professional guild of psychologists psychotherapy (IPT), a member of the regional council of young scientists of the city of Stavropol.


Ermakov Pavel

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of biological sciences, professor

Dean of the Faculty of Psychology "Southern Federal University"

A recognized expert in the field of general and educational psychology, developmental psychology. Member of the expert council of VAK


Isaeva Elmira

Доктор психологических наук, профессор

Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology and professional activities "Dagestan State University"

He made a great contribution to the psychology of intrapersonal conflict. A recognized expert in the psychology of extremism and terrorism.


Korlyakova Svetlana

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor

Head of the Department of Psychology "Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute"

He made a great contribution to the psychology of psychomotor abilities of the musicians.


Kotova Isabela

Corresponding Member RAO

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Head of the Laboratory of the Institute for Educational Technologies of the individual waste

A recognized expert in the field of General and Educational Psychology, Development Psychology. He made a great contribution to the psychology of the individual and personology.


Krasnyanskaya Tatiana

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology Branch "Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute" in Essentuki

He made a great contribution to the psychology of self-security of the individual.


Mishina Marina

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor

Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Psychology "Russian State Humanitarian University"

He made a great contribution to the study of the psychology of intellectual activity.


Plugina Maria

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Head of the Department of pedagogy, psychology and special disciplines "Stavropol State Medical University"

It has acmeological concept of professional development of high school teachers.


Solovyova Olga

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Professor of the Department of defectology "North Caucasian Federal University"

He made a great contribution to the study of the psychology of cognitive abilities of students. He is a corresponding member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education.


Tebiev Boris

Doctor of Education Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor of Economic Theory "Russian State Humanitarian University"

Founder and editor of the journal "Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis" (1996). Developer methodology of mass economic education of young people.


Tylets Valery

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology Branch "Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute" in Essentuki

He has made a great contribution to the psychology of learning foreign languages.


Hrebina Svetlana

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Head of Department

psychology of personality and professional activities of the Institute

human studies "Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University"

He made a great contribution to the study of the phenomenology of organizational psychology education.


Tatyana ShulgaI

Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Professor of the Department of Social Psychology  "Moscow State Regional University"

A recognized expert in the field of educational psychology, developmental psychology.

Made a significant contribution to the study of strong-willed regulation in ontogenesis.

Address publisher and distributor of:

355008, Stavropol, avenue Marx, 7

Contact Information

Phone: (8652) 28-25-00

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.